Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22, 2009 - First Dr's Visit

Ok, so today we went to the Dr. to see how this "Bubble" was doing in Jaime's belly.... But before that happened, we got sat down with a lady to talk to us about how much all this fun stuff was going to cost us and sign a contract in advanced for how much we could expect to pay.. Ok, so I really felt like I was getting screwed somewhere, but then again it's doctors and insurance companies...

Ok so the doctor visit and the ultrasound. Well what we expected to be 7 weeks might really only be 5... No biggie to me, someone should learn how to use a calculator. But the picture was taken, and it's only 5 weeks..

The proof it is only 5 weeks. After a lunch at Rib Crib with Drew, Joe, Jaime, and myself; Jaime ended up experiencing her first run at morning sickness while driving home... nuff said..

So 3 weeks till our next ultrasound and test to see if johnny 5 is actually growing... So, cross your fingers and pray for us that Johnny 5 will grow!

1 comment:

  1. Let's just say now I keep plastic bags in my
